Dove siamo
The OM CENTRE is located into Val Grande: the largest wilderness area in Italy. All around Scareno village you can find impenetrable woods, timid free animals, steep deep valleys, crystal-clear waters in gorges protected by overhanging walls and charming views.
Come arrivare
Da Milano segui al A26 in direzione Gravellona Toce, esci a Stresa, segui le indicazioni per Intra e quindi per Miazzina fino a quando non incontri i cartelli VAL INTRASCA. Risali la valle fino a Scareno.
Servizio navetta
Dalla stazione FS Verbania Pallanza e dall' Imbarcadero di Intra può essere disponibile un servizio navetta. Prenotalo al 3396237076 o
From Milan take the A26 highway in direction Gravellona Toce. Get out at Stresa, then follow the road sign for Intra and then Miazzina till you reach the indication for Valle Intrasca. Then ascend the valley till you reach the village of Scareno. Once in Scareno leave the car and walk along the only path caming up back to the church. Om Centre is the the first building you meet on your path!
A shuttle service can be available from Verbania Pallanza railway station or from Intra Verbania imbarcadero pier.
Book it at +39 3396237076 o